Biz Jeffrey Werbock-u Sentyabr ayının 21-də, öz mədəniyyət ocağımızda görəcəyimizə çox sevinirik. Jeffrey bəy, ud, tar və kamançada ənənəvi Azərbaycan muğamına əsaslanan instrumental solo improvizasiya proqramını bizim mədəniyyət ocağımızın üzvlərinə izah edəcək.
Biz bu təqdimatı səbirsizliklə gözləyirik və ümid edirik ki, Sentyabr ayının 21-i, şənbə günü axşam, saat 19: 00-da bizə qoşula biləcəksiniz!
We are excited to have Jeffrey Werbock join our community on Saturday September 21st to present a program of instrumental solo improvisations based on traditional Azerbaijani mugham, played on oud - fretless wood face short neck lute; tar - fretted skin face long neck lute; and kamancha - skin face spike fiddle.
Azerbaijani mugham is monophonic modal music, highly microtonal, meter free, densely ornamented, composed of complex melodic lines that are somewhat improvised according to the eastern tradition of theme and variation, and convey a mix of sorrow and joy, exhalation and lament, and an overall sense of both antiquity and otherworldliness.
Mr. Werbock has been giving presentations for well over three decades and has performed often at Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, Asia Society, World Music Institute, and presents lecture demonstrations at colleges and universities all over the English speaking world. He has been awarded an honorary degree by the National Music Conservatory of Azerbaijan, in Baku, and was recently sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan to perform a solo concert.
We are very excited for this presentation and hope that you can join us Saturday 21st at 7pm!
Date: Saturday Sep. 21st, at 7pm Place: Azerbaijan Center Address: 16400 Lark Ave., Suite 260, Los Gatos, CA